AMSTERDAM SMOOTH JAZZ FESTIVAL Since over 27 editions our boutique-style Smooth Jazz Festivals have been known for their cosmopolitan, familiar atmosphere at unique places: Good music. Good food. Good wine. Equal to a good time! But what about pushing this concept to the limit? More boutique-style. More familiar. More unique places. Equal to a more personal experience! What if the festival does not take place in a ‘5-star hotel on land’, but in a ‘5-star hotel (river cruise ship) cruising along the Waterways of Holland & Belgium’? This week-long cruise aboard the AMADEUS Brilliant begins and ends in Amsterdam – 'the Venice of the North' and the capital city of the Netherlands. This popular river getaway on the canals between Ghent and the Ijsselmeer surprises and delights travelers from all over the world. Visit peaceful fishing villages where traditional costumes are still worn, observe old windmills that have given day-to-day life its rhythm for centuries, and of course, sample some delicious Edam cheese and world-famous Belgian chocolates. Cities such as Bruges, Rotterdam, and Antwerp, with their unique culture and architecture, may cause you to lose track of the day as you meander their charming streets and alleys. Culinary and musically excellence: Revel in the stylish ambience of the elegant Panorama-Restaurant, breathtaking views of the shore’s landscape, and the high-level service of the AMADEUS staff while savoring our take on haute cuisine going paired with fine wines from regional winegrowers. Every day is rounded off with the most fascinating Smooth Jazz masters live on stage in the Panorama-Lounge. A limited festival experience to max. 130 guests. |

Inkludierte Leistungen Live-Musik
MS AMADEUS Brilliant Bonjour an Bord unseres 5-Karat-Schiffes und Leinen los. Wir entführen Sie ganz luxuriös von Amsterdam aus die holländischen und belgischen Wasserwege hinab und wieder hinauf. Neben der wildromantischen Natur und einer wunderbaren Kultur, erleben Sie unterwegs an Bord eine wunschlos glückliche Zeit. |
Zahlungspläne mit 6-12 Raten Mit Buchung ist eine Anzahlung in Höhe von 20% des Reisepreises zu leisten. Die verbleibenden 80% des Reisepreises sind in gleichmäßigen Etappen zu leisten. Die Schlusszahlung ist spätestens am 1. Juni 2025 fällig. Die Zahlungen dazwischen sind zum 1. des jeweiligen Monats fällig. Ihren Zahlungsplan können Sie im Warenkorb auswählen. |